The Grinch fined for car sharing

The Grinch fined for car sharing

In the US, you only need to have one more passenger in your car to take a dedicated car-sharing expressway… But inflatable dolls, even with a Grinch doll, don’t count, had to remind the Arizona police of a motorist’s audacity before Christmas.

A US western state officer last week stopped a motorist who was riding “in the driveway with a Seuss-pect ‘passenger’,” the Department of Public Safety said on Twitter Tuesday, referring to author Dr. Greenwich.

Upon closer inspection of the cabin, the accompanying greenish skin turns out to be an inflatable version of this monster, whose mission is to destroy Christmas.

In the children’s book, the Grinch ends up being fond of the people of Chouville, who continue their celebrations even without the gifts he stole.

But a few days before the year-end festivities, the policeman did not let himself be moved: and so the motorist left with a well-deserved fine.

In its letter, the administration stated: “If we value the festive spirit, it is illegal.”

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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