The NAC of the Featherweight Sanctuary is looking for new families

The NAC of the Featherweight Sanctuary is looking for new families

Fighting the drift of the “animal being”, a daily work of many structures specialized in the defense of animals in France. According to the SPA, New Pets is experiencing a 34% increase in animal abandonment since 2019.

Increased activity observed by protected featherweights. Based in Ventoux, in Charente, this Shelter specializes in receiving NAC Abandoned faces are “a constant requirement,” says Mile Rigaud, a spokesperson for the shelter. “We still refuse a lot of care!”

Since 2015, the shelter has taken in up to 150 animals (rodents, rabbits, birds, chickens, etc.). “We realized that there is a real need for NACs in general, because they are more and more represented in French homes and they are very easy to adopt, both in pet stores and through advertisements on the Internet.”

Adoption recovery

Like many associations, Featherweight Sanctuary survives primarily thanks to donations and the work of volunteers. Until now, it has been serving as a sanctuary where animals have come to find a quiet haven for the rest of their lives. But recent financial difficulties have forced her to review her operations and relaunch adoptions.

Most of the animals in the reserve have found new families, but some are still looking for homes. More info here.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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