The Normans revive the baroque opera .. and Paris loves it!

The Normans revive the baroque opera .. and Paris loves it!

The Opera Comic, in Paris, has been hosting the creation of the Caen Theater “Corones” since February 14. Exhume the forgotten works of the Normans.

Currently in Paris, we only see her on Maurice’s columns: poster Corones, Performed in an opera comic, Like Matisse, the naked body of this nymph stands out against a blue background. The announcement is delighted by Patrick Foll, Director of The Caen Theatre. It is the origin of the somewhat crazy project to recreate this zarzuela, a type of Spanish opera that mixes drama and satire, is interpreted only by women, and has not been repeated since its creation in Madrid in 1709.

Asking about digging up baroque nuggets, onstage marriages, musicians, dancers and acrobats, Caen’s Theater isn’t on its first try. With Sébastien Daucé and his group correspondence, they re-created, in 2017, royal night ballet, Entertainment commissioned by Mazarin for the Sun King youth. Recently, the same team was created Cupid and deathEnglish mask (a form of court scene appeared in 16And the century) of the composers who influenced Purcell.

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“These are lyrical things that big operas don’t make, kind of a specialty”Patrick Vole admits. But it goes in the direction of the recent report on the French lyrical scene (Thirty Opera Houses), at the request of the Minister of Culture, which encourages creativity.

A somewhat fashionable bias. The lyrical Talens, a fashionable figure in the Baroque scene, Christophe Roussett recently asserted that he is more famous in the United States or Japan for his creations of forgotten works than many of the classics in the lyrical repertoire. “The public is not stupid, they like to be surprised, Patrick Bean sums it up. This also does not prevent you from seeing the main bookmarks. There is room for everything. »

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But to implement such Baroque creations, you need to surround yourself with the right people. Here, like Vincent Demster, at the head of the Poème Harmonique in Rouen. “A true finder of results”, salutes the director of Caen, who, two or three years ago, asked him to find him a baroque zarzuela. This collector found it Corones By Sebastian Doron, Master of the Royal Church of Madrid, late eighteenth centuryAnd the.

After establishing in Caen in the fall of 2019, a tour began Corones The health crisis stopped him. Two years later, Oprah Comic finally welcomed him… We cross our fingers every morning so the band members don’t show any positive results.

During the premiere, Monday, February 14, thousands of spectators from the Parisian auditorium gave a warm welcome to this story inspired by transformations Ovide, brilliantly presented by the Swiss director of Colombian origin, Omar Boras. after CoronesThe Theater of Caen intends to continue to rediscover the European Baroque repertoire. Why don’t you stand by Portugal.

Corones At the Opera Comique de Paris, February 14-17, 2022.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

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