The Portuguese navy denies finding the body of French adventurer Jean-Jacques Savin

The Portuguese navy denies finding the body of French adventurer Jean-Jacques Savin

The Portuguese navy has failed to find the body of the still missing adventurer Jean-Jacques Savin from the Azores.

Contrary to what was announced the day before by his team, the body of Frenchman Jean-Jacques Savin, a seventy-year-old adventurer who was trying to cross the Atlantic Ocean by rowing, was not found on board his boat, the Portuguese Navy announced on Sunday.

The search ended yesterday at the end of the day (Saturday) without being able to find the victimThe Lusitani Navy said in a statement that its boat had been found off the Azores archipelago. The day before, the entourage of the 75-year-old navigator, who had declared himself by crossing the Atlantic in a barrel in 2019, had reported that his body was “found lifelessInside his boat in the cabin of L’Audacieux.

In response to a question by AFP on Sunday evening, a Portuguese navy spokesman clarified that rescuers during the rescue operation “Strong reasons to believe that the body can be inside“.”There have been some confusions that we are currently trying to clear up. We don’t know more. We are waiting for information from the Portuguese authoritiesFor his part, the adventurer’s team indicated to AFP in France.

see also – Crossing the Atlantic: The death of adventurer Jean-Jacques Savin

Documents found

Unfortunately, since 00:34 yesterday (Friday) morning, we no longer have any contact or any appearance of it.“According to their statements, he has set off two distress beacons,” he told AFP on Saturday morning.Denotes being + in great difficulty +“.

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The Septuagint was found upside down, as evidenced by the photo published by the Portuguese Navy where we see the hull of the boat floating on the surface, and then being hoisted onto one of his cruisers. The first merchant marine ship to reach the position from which the alarm started.He said he saw the boat and the navigator in the early hours of Friday, January 21, but as he approached the boat he indicated the man was no longer there.“.

A merchant ship collected a waterproof bag that was inside the navigator’s identity documents“Portuguese Navy. During the last contacts, Jean-Jacques Savin was north of Madeira, offshore, and was on his way to the island of Ponta Delgada, in the Azores archipelago, for repair.

Because shortly after leaving Sagres (southern Portugal) on January 1, this great athlete was quickly transformed by high winds. Thus his initial route was extended by 900 km and then encountered serious power and communication problems.

sarcasm of aging»

On Wednesday, Jean-Jacques Savin stated on his Facebook page that “Strong inflation and windadding that he had toUse a manual water maker“.”It costs me physical energy. Don’t worry, I’m not in danger!“, he wrote. He was living in Ares, in the Arcachon basin, in southwest France, and he intended to row across the Atlantic to become “Dean of the Atlantic“,”A way to make fun of old age“.

He had celebrated his 75th birthday on January 14 aboard his canoe, which is eight meters long and 1.70 meters wide, equipped with two cabins and a rowing station. “I’m going on vacation to the open sea, taking leave for three monthsHe laughed shortly before he left. In 2019, this slender and muscular ex-soldier spent more than four months in a barrel-shaped boat measuring three meters long and 2.10 meters in diameter. And so he had crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone, driven by winds and currents.

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This former private pilot and curator of a national park in Africa joined the West Indies, which he hoped to rejoin by kayaking.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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