The Post Office and the Penguins to Watch Out For: Employees Wanted in Antarctica

The Post Office and the Penguins to Watch Out For: Employees Wanted in Antarctica

Counting penguins, running the world's southernmost post office, but also welcoming visitors: three positions to fill with many unusual tasks in Antarctica, provided you agree to live in fairly modest conditions.

Job offers have been posted before UK Antarctic Heritage Trust is looking for a Base Manager, Store Manager and General Assistant at its Port Lockroy location, a historic British base located on Goudier Island.

Among the tasks described, the organization is looking for people who will be able to manage the postal inventory and process the 80,000 letters that pass through this post office as well as sell stamps.

With approximately 18,000 visitors disembarking from cruise ships each year, staff must also be able to manage the store and maintain the buildings as well as help keep an eye on the penguins.

A more than modest daily life

However, before accepting such a job, you must agree to give up the comfort of your life. A common room, a shower accessible once a week, no telephone and camping toilets to empty are some conditions to take into account.

You must also be in very good physical condition to be able to work in this environment, suggests the organization.

“This includes carrying 20 liter jerrycans, lifting and carrying 15kg boxes, digging through lots of snow each day, cutting steps in the snow and ice so visitors can disembark safely, and unloading boats on slippery rocks,” the report states. . Job offers.

It is also not recommended to apply if a person has any food allergies or intolerances, as they are “very difficult to take into account.” Food is supplied by the United Kingdom and consists of dry and tinned foods, with some fresh foods delivered by visiting ships.

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“It's remote but hectic, primitive but relaxing, like life on a boat. You're in a small place, surrounded by water and you can't get off!”, summed up a recent team of staff on the island.

Salaries range from £1,375 (US$2,368) per month for a General Assistant, £1,710 (US$2,945) per month for a Store Manager, and £1,985 (US$3,419) per month for a Store Manager.

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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