The right steps to take to protect yourself effectively

The right steps to take to protect yourself effectively

As a general rule, you should avoid leaving standing water near your home.

The spreading period starts early and ends later. Thanks to global warming and successive heat waves that have affected the country for several years, the tiger mosquito is on its way to becoming a major health hazard in France. According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Health issued in early Mayme’Aedes albopictus Already responsible for many diseases including dengue fever, Zika or chikungunya.

Jerome Raybot, Director of Alpine Hazard Prevention and Health Alerts, notes on BFMTV: “We observe early, earlier and especially later and later mosquito outbreaks. It is not uncommon to find tiger mosquitoes in mid-November or even late November.” Maritimes ARS.

According to the site mosquito vigil, 64 French departments, or 67% of the territory of the capital, are currently placed on red alert, which is synonymous with the establishment and activity of the insect. In the short term, dozens of other departments, including Oise or Yonne, which are currently on orange alert, could be upgraded to this category.

The right things to do

Although it is difficult to combat this insect, there are several solutions to prevent it. The Ministry of Health stresses that the most important thing to do is to do so remove standing water around his house, allowing the mosquito to breed. This concerns plant cups but also children’s toys.

The ARS of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur lists several other measures that must be adopted: it is therefore recommended Covering water reserves with a mosquito net such as cans or baby baths, and Put away anything the rain can touch, including bulldozers. It is also important to plant water change And flowers at least once a week and Do not leave waste outdoors.

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In the worst affected areas, theInstall mosquito nets on strategic windows and doorsas well as using a file admirer, can be help. Outdoors, there are several ways to avoid bites, once again mentioning ARS. So it is recommended to wear Covering and loose-fitting clothes.

regarding skin repellentOn the advice of your pharmacist, some can be used on exposed skin areas. On the other hand, it is recommended to install insecticide coils only outdoors.

field wrestling

In the event of suspicions about a spotted insect, it is recommended to contribute to the monitoring of its emergence by reporting it on the official portal of health authorities at the following address: audio signal. In the event of a sting, contact a health professional as soon as possible.

At the local level, there is monitoring as well. Thus, the ARS Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur emphasizes that the “Mediterranean Interdepartmental Convention on Mosquito Control (EID) is ‘responsible for triggering’ early infectious cases, alerting the population, in order to control the risks. Emergence of a local chain to send”.

Scientific innovations

While it is extremely difficult to permanently eradicate the tiger mosquito, several scientific innovations represent remarkable advances. On BFMTV, owners of Domaine Mas de Pierre in Var, every five metres, have installed a new anti-mosquito box that emits carbon dioxide and acids in order to reproduce what the human body gives off and attract females responsible for bites.

“Mosquitoes are caught and die of dehydration within 24 hours,” describes Dominic Hauptmann, the company’s creator. BiobeltWho produces this device.

In China, researchers for their part developed an effective process to virtually eliminate these insects during a study of two test sites. In the review, they explained that both irradiated female mosquitoes to sterilize them and infected males with bacteria that prevented them from breeding with uninfected females. temper nature.

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The result: The number of mosquito egg hatches was reduced by 94%, with periods of up to 13 weeks without a single mosquito infestation.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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