The Saint-Lys neighborhood returns to the rhythm of the Portuguese week

The Saint-Lys neighborhood returns to the rhythm of the Portuguese week

As part of its twinning with the Portuguese town of Massira, Saint-Lys will be red and green for a week. In fact, from 9 to 16 May the third Portuguese Week, proposed by the municipality through the Cultural Center of Saint Lys and the Pays Saint Lysien Association, Pays d’Europe, Pays du Monde, will take place.

On the first day, the temporary center dedicated to Portugal will be inaugurated in the Media Library at 6:30 pm in the presence of Serge Douilhy, Mayor of the city. The next day, a tomato (tile) workshop titled “Hold on to the Tiles, the Art of the Azulejos” will be held in the Media Library at 1:30pm for children ages 7-12. It will be hosted by Cie la Maleta Association.

On the same evening, at 7 pm, the second Soup Festival will be organized at Espace Gravette in partnership with merchants and associations. Delicious appetizers and a tasting of dozens of soups will be organized by the “Pesto de Nas” troupe. The evening access pot will be for sale at the entrance for €10.

At 10 am a French-Portuguese bilingual tale will be told in the Media Library. At two o’clock in the afternoon there will be a new workshop entitled “Tiens-toi à carreau, the art of azulejos”, but this time for adults. At 4 pm, a plenary discussion open to all in collaboration with MJC-CS on the topic “Know each other better to be less afraid” will be held on Gravette’s mezzanine floor, followed by a screening of the film produced by CMJ on school bullying. At 6:30 pm, a concert will be held at Espace Gravette in partnership with the Choralys Society. Finally, a Portuguese meal and a fado party by the Eufrasia Fado trio will end the day.

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This evening with songs will allow you to travel to the heart of Lusitano blues.

Finally, the last activity of this Portuguese week will be on Tuesday 16 May with the start of the azulejos fair prepared by groups of children and adults in the media library.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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