The statue celebrated its 60th anniversary

The statue celebrated its 60th anniversary

In Chalet, the Portuguese community enthusiastically celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Notre Dame de Fatima statue.

The anniversary began on Saturday with a concert by the Banda Filarmonica Marcial de Murcia in Jean Jaurès Square, and continued in front of the city hall with the French and Portuguese national anthems. Afterward, there was a reception at City Hall with a welcome from Mayor Frank Deaumont surrounded by elected officials.

Adventure of the statue purchased in Braga

On Sunday, a procession with the pandas was held, before a mass in the Church of Saint Therese in Wesen. Maria Coelho emphasized: “I would like us to pray and think especially today about Adelino Ferreira, Tino Ferreira, Antonio Faria, Rafael Lima and Américo Dias, all of whom are deceased.” “We must also warmly thank Lucia Torres and María Rosa Mira Rocha. It is thanks to these people that we have gathered in this church around Notre Dame di Fatima.

For the record, in 1963, Adelino Ferreira had the idea of ​​bringing a statue of Our Lady of Fatima from Portugal. Tino Ferreira and Antonio Faria followed him on this adventure. But the money had to be found. They went door to door in the Vésines among the Portuguese who resided there and other communities were willing to participate.

Adelino Ferreira obtains a document from the Diocese of Orléans to present to the authorities in case a problem occurs during transportation. Americo Dias was asked to take the necessary steps in Portugal and ensure the transfer to Vésines. Americo Dias and Antonio Faria were accompanied by the parish priest of Alvarez. They bought a statue of the Virgin Mary in Braga. It was well placed and packaged in a wooden box.

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During the flight, Spanish police stopped Américo Dias and asked him about the contents of the box. He showed them the document issued by the Orléans diocese. The police did not insist and wished Americo a safe journey, as he and his passengers arrived at what was known as the Stade Estate in Chalet.

Carpenter Rafael Lima adapted the altar with a wooden support. On the wall behind the altar was the blue velvet cloth provided by Dr. d’Acremont and everything was finally ready. It was necessary to carry out a procession from the road to the church followed by a mass. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima was installed on her altar, where it has been for 60 years.

It was maintained for many years by María Rosa Mira Rocha, who returned to Portugal in 1986. It was her sister Lucía Torres who took over the task.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

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