“The Wolf and the Dog”, Fluid Mechanics – Editorial

“The Wolf and the Dog”, Fluid Mechanics – Editorial

Portuguese cinema

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Combining strength with grace, Portuguese director Cláudia Varejão, tracing the futures that teens from the Azores will create, blends family tradition and the LGBTQ community.

The lesbianization of Portuguese cinema is a welcome process that can only be undertaken with a mixture of voluntarism and grace: here it is wolf dogOr movie-island or movie-iel where the island unites with a non-binary to drift off better. after As for San (2016) – A beautiful documentary immersed in the traditional community of women divers and fishermen on the Izu Peninsula, in Japan – Claudia Vargao continues her marine surveys by anchoring her narratives on the island of São Miguel in the Azores, on its customs and interpenetration of revolutions. All that is fluid is what interests Varigao with his gaze and his listening, which is carried away in the wake of his young actors facing a future that must be invented, since it is neither traced nor poorly traced to them.

It is the island, a land both open and closed to the world – like a movie, an open closed system, which always wins out by being solid and liquid, land and free, between home and the open sea – small and wide. The place where, in the age when questions are asked, one becomes stronger, clearer, and more public than anywhere else. Ana (Ana Cabral), Luis (Ruben Pimenta), Chloe (Cristiana Branquino), Telmo (Joao Tavares) and the others, teenagers, undergo a new test and find themselves stuck between their families and friendships, between two futures, two desires that collide, crisscross the island known with piercing new eyes. They are looking for themselves.

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between intensity and severity

and find claudia vargao ry

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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