Opportunities to represent France abroad are not many. However, seven Menton people will have this opportunity to defend the tricolor flag – simultaneously with the blue and white flag – in Portugal.
Members of the Minton Sports Fishing Club (CPSM) of the National Sports Fishing Federation, Yannick Agnes, Claude Boys, Alain Gauthier, Jerome Magnani, Remy Turelli, Daniel TirusiAnd the Sebastien Toquet The road will arrive on Friday 15 October to reach Villa Real de Santo Antonio, near Faro. With the aim of participating in the 15th European Floating Fishing Championship to be held from 18 to 22 October.
Every Wednesday afternoon, dozens of kids learn how to fish at the pier, thanks to a permit from SPL for Menton Ports.Photography by Jean Francois Otonello.
Already two individual gold medals
“Our club consists of 48 members. Among them, there are people who come mainly for friendship, and there are athletes – who go to national and international competitions”, Expose President Claude Toquet. He stressed that the owners of wealth will swallow 3800 km there and return to defend their colors. “We’ve already done very well, especially in float fishing. It’s the most classic, which you learn as a kid: string, cork, hook. Our little club finished with two singles gold medals — for my sons Sebastian and Jerome Magnani — and two bronze medals as a team.”
How did the modest structure of Menton come to represent France? The answer lies in one word: encounter. “I am fortunate to know the national president of the Sport Fishing Federation, who came here one day. Fifteen years ago, when Spain had just established a European Championship, he told me we were the only ones, in Menton, who fish like they are.”
A series of David v Goliath reconfigurations have just begun when we learn that in Gandia, where the first competition took place, a one kilometer berth belongs to the Spanish club, which has a changing room with 700 lockers (versus 1,200 registered). “Portugal, Italy and Spain, top professionals, draw a team of six to eight fishermen through a competition of 800 participants…”
Every Wednesday afternoon, dozens of kids learn how to fish at the pier, thanks to a permit from SPL for Menton Ports.Photography by Jean Francois Otonello.
weight competition
Menton team member Yannick Agnes explains upon departure that he has fallen into the (fish) bowl since childhood. “My parents were the blue Lake, where is today Bread Friend in Garavan. It was enough to cross the road to fish in the rocks. It was like a nursery…”, He laughs. Indicating the presence of a taste for competitions for The challenge of self-transcendence. It is that such a tournament is often like a race against time.
Because whoever wins is the fish that weighs the most. “The idea is to make sure the fish get to the same area. And they don’t go to the opponent. Then it’s all about speed, and there’s no chance at that level.”
Tools? Each Mentonnais departs with six to seven bars – up to eight to ensure a perfect copy – even if the rules only allow for one submersion in the sea. “We are entitled to fish rods up to 8 meters in length. But there, with the wind, we quickly get Schwarzenegger’s arms if we fish that long.”Yannick laughs.
In the guide published by the organization, a list of likely fish is indicated. mullet, mackerel, bream, bream, sea bass, locust, sauerkraut, red mullet … It will be necessary – as you will understand – to catch as many of them as possible in the hope that you will adorn yourself with gold.
Every Wednesday afternoon, dozens of kids learn how to fish at the pier, thanks to a permit from SPL for Menton Ports.Photography by Jean Francois Otonello.