These Republicans are against Trump | Quebec Magazine

These Republicans are against Trump |  Quebec Magazine

During his speech last week in front of Independence Hall, Joe Biden referred to those “Not Maga” Republicans, who are tired of this dangerous circus of the 45e The president trained his political formation.

It is sometimes very difficult to calculate and identify them. They have often left the Republican Party too wary or fearful of the shame of more exalted elected officials who never evade dirty tricks or threats.

It’s hard to oppose Trump

While some hide out of fear, others do so out of political expediency. Although Democrats have controlled the presidency and both houses since the 2020 elections, Republicans are expected to regain the House in 2022.

Let’s add that if the picture is bleak in Washington after the last presidential election, the dominance of Republicans in the states is impressive. They are in the majority in 30 out of 50 states, and it is here that the rules of the electoral game are determined.

Thus, it takes a healthy dose of courage, long-term vision and hard-line principles to dare to argue against the tide in opposition to Trump and his evaluators. Freedom from the godfather then goes through brutal internal conflict and the possibility of electoral defeat.

Despite what I just wrote, it wasn’t just Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger denouncing their party’s deviation and Trump’s influence. It is estimated that 3% to 5% of Republican voters would prefer not to come on Election Day, or worse still, vote against the former president.


Does this sound a little to you? This is enough to derail the train. Yesterday, Greg Sargent from Washington Post She also spotlighted the Republican Accountability Project, a group of conservatives working to expose fanatical Trumpists.

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The Political Action Committee (PAC) supports their efforts by funding operations to defeat the most dangerous candidates. It’s multimillion-dollar propaganda used to discredit dozens of “Big Lie” advocates.

Among those who desperately desire Trump’s departure are those who encourage frustrated Republican voters to ally, if only temporarily, with Democrats. It’s not for nothing that Joe Biden saved them last week.

But if the resistance is organized within the Republican Party, I fear that their efforts will come too late and be doomed to failure, at least in the near future. We can crush Trump, but getting rid of Trump is an enormous challenge.

I have repeatedly pointed out that Trump’s gift was to convey this mixture of anger and disinformation, but this tendency has already made its way into the political arena. Many populists are upset behind the scenes, dreaming of Trump’s departure to surf on the exasperation of elites, including those of the Republican Party.

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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