This fantastic sci-fi series hasn't been shown on Canal+ for months

This fantastic sci-fi series hasn't been shown on Canal+ for months

Since November, she has not given up on the Canal+ summit! It's time to see this sci-fi series that has been in the shadows for so long. I promise you won't be disappointed.

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It was first revealed in 2019, For all humanity It is a series we rarely see. Created by Ronald D. Moore, Ben Nedevi, and Matt Wolpert, it takes Apple TV+ (and now Canal+) subscribers to new lands: space! Imagine a world where the space race never ends. NASA's space program has remained at the heart of American culture and close to everyone's hopes and dreams. NASA astronauts, the true heroes and rock stars of their time, must overcome the pressure on their shoulders while managing their families' lives. While Season 4 started last November and just ended, For all humanity He hasn't given up on the top of Canal+ in all this time. Currently, series No. 7 is still one of the most watched programmes. Now that Season 4 is fully available, it's time to immerse yourself in this series full of twists and turns, before perhaps seeing Season 5.

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For all humanity : A former astronaut helped the creator build the series

To bring the story as close to “reality” or what it could look like as possible, former astronaut Garrett Reisman spoke extensively with Ronald D. Moore, creator of the series. “What I did initially, even before I started writing things, was go with the writers, and tell them the stories. I've seen a lot of stories and experienced them throughout my career, on Earth, with the space shuttle, on the International Space Station, there are different astronauts, With different personalities, different reactions, and I think all of these stories must have somehow infused what was written next for For All Mankind. He reveals during an interview with geography.

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For all humanity : What does the former astronaut think about conquering space?

According to Garrett Risman, “It is inevitable that the human race will eventually spread across the solar system.” : “It's part of our human nature. Just look at history: that's what a lot of people do. It's one of my former boss's obsessions. Elon Musk, creating a permanent presence on Mars, not much different from what we see in the series. “These things won't happen as quickly as they did in For All Mankind, but they will happen.”

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Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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