This mummy discovered dates back 8000 years, and it will be the oldest ever

This mummy discovered dates back 8000 years, and it will be the oldest ever

A mummy, much older than those found in Egypt or South America, was found in Portugal.

This discovery overturns deeply held beliefs!

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The oldest mummy in the world does not come from Egypt, but from … Portugal.

At least that’s what the photographs taken by Portuguese archaeologist Manuel Farinha dos Santos in the 1960s reveal, the site explains. future sciences.

Illustrative image. Image credit: Pixabay

At 8000 years old, this mummy may be the oldest in the world

At that time, the world immortalized the remains of 8000 years old, discovered in tombs located in southern Portugal.

During this expedition, the archaeologist took many pictures and many negatives were not used, and for a long time they remained in limbo.

It was eventually developed and another study found that one of the immortal corpses was mummified.

To reach this conclusion, archaeologists carefully analyzed the images, noting that the bones of the mummy were not in the usual configuration, which tends to prove that the limbs of the deceased were forcibly preserved.

Finally, the absence of decomposition, which is inseparable from the mummification process, can be checked by observing the small bones of the foot.

Specialists believe that the embalming technique used on these remains would have allowed them to be transported before burial.

Dating back about 8000 years, this mummy is definitely the oldest known mummy in the world. For comparison, those discovered in Egypt date back to the oldest 4500 years.

This discovery is amazing in more ways than one! First, because it is an invaluable testimony to a bygone era. Then because it is very rare to find mummified bodies on the European continent. The practice of mummification is actually more closely related to Egyptian and Inca culture.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

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