This restaurant in Lyon has been urgently closed by the Rhone Prefecture.
Café Lisboa, a restaurant popular with fans of Portuguese cuisine, was closed on Tuesday by the prefecture after a health check.
It is a very popular restaurant in Lyon and yet it has a very good online rating. Café Lisboa, a restaurant serving Portuguese cuisine on Rue des Quatre Chaps in the heart of the Lyon peninsula, was closed on Tuesday following an inspection by the Directorate for the Protection of Populations (DDPP).
The restaurant was already notified on May 22, 2024 after the initial inspection, and the restaurant was selected due to lack of cleanliness during the inspection conducted on July 4. Create “– Lack of maintenance, upkeep and cleanliness of buildings and equipment.“
25 Corrective Measures
The Rhone State also noted poor food storage and preservation conditions.Considering that the continuation of the activity poses a risk to the health of consumers due to the high possibility of pollution and the resulting risks of poisoning.“Therefore, the DDPP decided to close the institution urgently.
The latter will have to take a series of corrective measures, numbering 25, to be able to reopen. Restaurant managers in particular must “Provide all employees with training in good hygiene practices.“,”Implement an effective pest control plan“or”Daily cleaning, before starting the activity, of all traces of pests in all buildings.“
Reopening may take place after a new visit by the DDPP agent to verify the correct implementation of these various measures.
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