This restaurant located in the plateau area will serve out free macaroons when it opens on Friday!

This restaurant located in the plateau area will serve out free macaroons when it opens on Friday!

Who in life does not like receiving free things? Honestly, not many people! It always brightens your day to take advantage of deals and get something small as a gift. Moreover, when it is free, we seem to appreciate it more, right?

If you’re looking to brighten your day, this Montreal restaurant is ready to spoil you in droves! Next Friday, the Caribbean food restaurant seasoned dreams It will open its new branch in Hadaba with an unapologetic offer.

On March 18, you can go to this new address on Saint-Laurent Boulevard to enjoy their legend Mac N CheeseAnd that’s free! In fact, the seasoned dreams Du Plateau, which opens on the same date, is waiting for you from 5pm to 9pm on Friday nights so you can savor macaroni and cheese, something like nowhere else in town.

In order to take advantage of this crazy promotion, you will have to go to the restaurant, and there is one limit Mac N Cheese per capita share. Furthermore it, You will also have the opportunity to accompany your cheese meal with their Caribbean dishes. We really rejoice at the idea of ​​great tasting clean chicken and banana.

The seasoned dreams Also serves portuguese chicken and bacon, wings Delicious and many other types of food Snacks Which will obviously stimulate your appetite and make you want to look back as often as possible. This is the perfect opportunity to make your Friday night unforgettable!

Free mac’n’cheese in Seasoned Dreams

Friday, March 18, 2022 / from 5 pm to 9 pm

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3910 Paul. Saint Laurent, Montreal, QC H2W 1Y2

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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