This smart solution detects cancer very quickly

This smart solution detects cancer very quickly

Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in the health sector. One of the most common uses of AI in this environment is in the diagnosis of cancers. It must be said that this technology has proven itself in this environment.

Rapid detection of cancers

Go to detecting cancers with a smart solution: here’s what iKnife has to offer! Developed and designed by Imperial College London, this system can detect crabs almost instantly (a few seconds).

The system is unique and reduces diagnostic time. Improve patient care. The iKnife solution can detect tumors in tissue samples in just a few seconds. This clever mechanism has proven effective against breast, colon and cervical cancer. Specialists from several English health institutions first performed the test for endometrial cancer, which is the most common test in relation to the female reproductive system.

Look for tumors on a biopsy by their smell

We owe the iKnife to the scientists who work in it‘Imperial University of London’. This option is similar to an electric iron but is powered by artificial intelligence. It is applied by a sample of tissue from which the sample was taken by biopsy, and this solution heats up the vapors released. We can even say that she “smells” it with her own sense of smell.

Next, a real-time study via mass spectrometer is performed. The system searches for components of lipid metabolism out of order, which is a frequent idiosyncrasy of cancer cells. They need a surplus of fat to ensure their metabolism and synthesize specific elements of the plasma membrane for their reproduction.

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Over 150 endometrial biopsies, sampled with consent of patients who underwent counseling for cancer suspicion of endometriosis, with our revolutionary iKnife solution. CONCLUSION: The system performed an accurate, immediate, and relevant diagnosis with a sensitivity of 89%. Compared to the reference technique which features a very small slice of tissue being studied under a microscope by an expert, this takes 1-2 weeks.

Additional diagnostic solution

The iKnife option is developing rapidly. Thus, it should be to find a file Endometrial cancer. This study is the first of its kind to be conducted in this context.

An algorithm that analyzes the results and conclusions refines each sample study. The latter provides the possibility of an accurate, efficient and rapid diagnosis. However, it does have some drawbacks. First of all, this solution should warm the tissues and remove them for walking. Thus, analyzes and studies on the sample in question are simply impossible.

To wait, health professionals define it as an additional diagnostic solution compared to the techniques already in use. This will allow patients to know whether or not cancer is present, before validating the diagnosis afterwards. Then, women who get a positive result will be able to benefit from better and faster care. Conversely, if the result is negative, it avoids stress, fear and anxiety.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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