This woman has breasts growing…on her vulva

This woman has breasts growing…on her vulva

Laboratory analysis confirmed that this growth was composed of breast tissue.

It is an unexpected discovery made by Iranian doctors. A 24-year-old woman went to the hospital because of a growth on her vulva, the story goes. sun. If she’d had it for twelve years, she’d never have to worry about it. This case was reported in Journal of Medical Case Reports.

Doctors have confirmed that this growth “It looks like a penisAnd they decided to remove this mass and send a sample to the laboratory for analysis to determine its composition, and according to the results, this growth consisted of breast tissue, indicating that the growth was an extra breast.It is extremely rare to have an extra breast in the vulvaThe doctors wrote in the case report.

Surgical intervention is necessary

What is it about? As the English newspaper explained, the breast can grow along the line that starts from the armpit, all the way to the chest and abdomen and then towards the thigh. Generally, the extra breast develops under the armpit. “The accessory mammary gland corresponds to the normal glandular tissue but is located in the wrong place, usually under the armpit. It can be unilateral or bilateral, on each side of the axillary cavity, being of equal or different size. Formation occurs during embryonic development (formation of the fetus) and appears during the development of the mammary gland in adolescenceV explains their website Alexander Bohana.

When the mammary gland is located under the arm, a surgery to remove it. “By removing this swelling under the armpit by surgical removal, the patient feels relieved and significantly improved both psychologically and aesthetically.Dr. Bohna confirms.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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