This young Portugal fan wants to find the French fan who will console him after the Euro 2016 final.

This young Portugal fan wants to find the French fan who will console him after the Euro 2016 final.

Matisse, a young Portugal fan who consoled a young Blues fan after the Euro 2016 final, has issued a call for a reunion after seven years.

He was 10 years old on the evening of July 10, 2016. In his red Portuguese shirt, with a hat attached to his head, Matisse Devillier made the rounds on social media by hugging a young Blues support man as he cried on the Champ de France. Mars fan zone in Paris. The French national team had just lost 1-0 in the Euro final to the Seleção. Seven years later, Mathis wants to find the man who can comfort him.

Now 18 years old, Mathis has launched a plea about “magic, you never know.”

“Extraordinary memory”

In his quest, Matisse doesn't just have images of a person's face. He also knows his name: Anthony Visacaro. In fact, at the initiative of the Portuguese Tourism Office, the two fans spent some time together in Lisbon after the final, he said. Blue France“We spent two or three days together. It was an exceptional memory. (…) But I lost him, and I don't know where he went. That's why today, I'm making this appeal to see him again.” “

At the time, Matthijs, accompanied by his mother who rewarded him for moving to sixth form, spoke to RMC Sport. He explained that he was “sensitive” to “people who cry over defeat.” “And I understand them,” he added.

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