Our ideas for day outings with practical information.
Concert: Vaslu
From the subways to the concert halls, Vaslo takes the audience away from the hustle and bustle of the city on a folk/pop boat ride. Subdued by Braille texts, Buckley’s voice, classical music, klezmer, Portuguese fado and film music, he takes us into his sonic trance.
6.30pm, at Semaphore, Dubiyat Street. free. reservation.
conspiracy : Art Deco architecture By Christophe Laurent, Heritage Historian
Art Deco is one of the most powerful artistic currents of the first half of the twentieth century. He touched all the arts by producing a very distinctive language, based especially on the geometry of forms. It is also the last technique to place ornament at the heart of creation. The conference will reveal the basic foundations, features and characteristics of Art Deco architecture. It will showcase major works built in France and abroad, as well as Auvergne’s sometimes surprising creations.
8:30 p.m., UFR Letters and Human Sciences, 29, Gergovia Street, 1st Floor, Hall 2. (Faculty of Arts). Admission: 5 € / 1 €.
TV program M6, “Best bakery in France”, in Auvergne this week
Art Land: Frost Gates by Sabine Mirellis
Frost Gates It is a series of seven frozen passages, inspired by the discovery of Jedd Sabine Mirless’ engineering work on the behavior of frost at altitude in the 1930s, and a nod to the Gallo-Roman temple of Mercury. Seven gates are installed according to the Pleiades group, designed to trigger ice and frost formations. These clips will then be the subject of a photographic work.
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All day long, at the top of the Puy de Dôme, Chemin du Couleyras. free. like.