Ticks and Mosquitoes: Simple Measures to Avoid Bites

Ticks and Mosquitoes: Simple Measures to Avoid Bites

health. The Center for Health and Social Services of the Université Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec (CIUSSS MCQ) would like to remind citizens of the importance of taking precautions to prevent infections resulting from tick and mosquito bites.

Lyme disease, West Nile virus and California serogroup viruses are diseases that can be transmitted to humans and can have serious health consequences if not diagnosed and treated in time. “The best way to avoid bites is to protect yourself with simple measures. However, if you do suffer a tick bite, it is important to watch for signs or symptoms, including redness of the skin of 5 cm or more. You should know that preventive treatment for Lyme disease may also be recommended. , according to various criteria that must be assessed, especially if you have been bitten in one of the MRC communes in Drummond, in Estre, in Monterjee or in Ottawa.If in doubt, contact the professionals at Info-Santé 811. They will be able to direct you to the appropriate resources, If necessary, depending on the situation. Your pharmacist can also advise you or recommend a treatment in certain cases, so do not hesitate to make an appointment with him or go there for his advice, ”explains Dr. Caroline Marco-Howard, Medical Consultant in Diseases from the Public Health and Department Population Responsibility in the CIUSSS MCQ.

How to protect yourself from stings?

The presence of ticks is mainly concentrated in areas where there is a lot of vegetation such as forests, wooded areas and gardens, while mosquitoes appreciate places near standing water. Here are some precautions you should take to fully enjoy outdoor activities:

  • Wear long, light-colored clothes.
  • Wear a hat and closed shoes.
  • Use mosquito repellent, preferably PCB or icaridin, on exposed parts of your body. Be sure to follow the instructions for using the product.
  • Walk on the trails and avoid tall grass.
  • Examine your entire body and that of your children after activity in a tick-prone area. Get help from another person or use a mirror for less visible parts like the back.
  • Take a shower or bath within two hours to get rid of tick presence.
  • Check your equipment and pets as a precaution to avoid ticks entering your home.
  • Preserve your land and home: mow the lawn, collect dead leaves, eliminate standing water, and make sure all doors and windows are covered with mosquito nets.
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Morrissey and Center du Quebec statistics

According to the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ), in 2022, there were 16 reported cases of Lyme disease, including 11 at the MRC in Drummond, an area where preventative treatment could be offered. Four cases of virus from the California serogroup were also recorded, but no West Nile virus infection was recorded in the region for the same year.

to know more: https://ciusssmcq.ca/advice-health/health-and-environment/insect-bites#tick-bites

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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