Today's weather: Ideal weather with clear skies for observing the eclipse

Today's weather: Ideal weather with clear skies for observing the eclipse

The weather is aligning with the stars on this solar eclipse day in southern and central Quebec as the clouds will clear to make way for azure blue skies perfect for viewing this astronomical phenomenon.

Virtually no cloud cover will disrupt that feeling of beautiful, sunny weather with double-digit positive temperatures that can reach 15 degrees in Montreal, according to Environment Canada.

Even if the eclipse this Monday will be total only in part of the province's territory, all sectors, on the other hand, with the exception of western Quebec, will have the right to generous sun and rising mercury, which will make us forget the recent snowstorm.

Therefore, the federal agency expects sunny weather almost everywhere with some scattered clouds in the west of the province, while temperatures will rise, including in Quebec where it will be 16 degrees.

The sun will also be present in the eastern regions of Quebec, but the mercury will not rise, as maximum temperatures will not exceed 8 degrees in some places, according to the federal agency’s forecasts.

For Tuesday, the federal agency is forecasting the same spring weather scenario with generous sunshine and continued high temperatures, possibly approaching 18 degrees in Ottawa in particular.

On the other hand, the sun will witness a new eclipse, not because of the path of the moon, but because of the clouds, as a rain system will affect southwestern Quebec starting Wednesday, before affecting the rest of the province after that.

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

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