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The Minister of Economy extracted concessions from the oil company as well as from the CMA-CGM, making it possible, at this point, to avoid an exceptional tax.
Written by Mark Feignud
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against’Bruno Le Maire’s victory. Faced with any extraordinary and hasty taxes on corporate profits that have benefited from their higher prices as economies reopen after the health crisis and war in Ukraine, the Minister of Economy and Finance has hijacked an agreement with Total and the Capital Markets Authority. -CGM.
Thursday evening, the point She revealed that a deal was very close and could likely be announced to open discussion of the amended Finance Bill (PLFR) 2022 bill in a plenary session of the National Assembly, scheduled for Friday, July 22, after the adoption of the text on purchasing power. On the first reading. The next morning, the minister from the right was a guest on BFMTV just after Total’s announcement, in com…
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