Francisco Calheiros was one of the speakers at the party's parliamentary sessions. Shigain a panel discussion on the topic of “Stimulating the Portuguese Economy”.
“The labor shortage is a reality. It has been overcome through immigration, and I think there is no other way to do it,” he said.
President of Portuguese Tourism Federation He considered it necessary to “create the conditions for them to come, so that there are no endless queues for services, so that they obtain housing and work contracts, and so that they can benefit from all the conditions of integration, as the Portuguese wish.”
In the same group, Felipe Melo, Chega's deputy, disagrees with this position.
“We don’t need immigrants to solve the labor shortage, what we need is to end the RSI, to employ those who receive [cette subvention]”Therefore, there is no need for immigrants,” he added, stressing that “this is the basic condition for the economy to function.”
In a second intervention, the president of the Portuguese Tourism Federation refuted this idea: “We could put all the people who receive the RSI [dans des emplois actuellement occupés par des immigrés]But that's not enough.”