“ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Teenage Years which will be released August 9, is set to music by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross.
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross have been chosen to compose the music for the animated film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Teenage Yearsdirector Jeff Rowe revealed on Sunday. The film will be released on August 9 by Paramount Pictures.
Rowe confirmed the news after Tony Hawk recently revealed During a podcast, Ross and Reznor were working on this project when they visited.
” Now that my teenage hero @tonyhawk has revealed that my musical heroes are working on this project, I can add that the music is absolutely amazing.Rowe tweeted on Sunday. Exhilarating, terrifying, heartbreaking, full of sounds I never knew existed. I don’t have the words to describe it. I love him so much. »
Reznor and Ross recently composed the film’s music The Empire of Light (2022) by Sam Mendes Bones and everything by Luca Guadagnino; The duo will also take care of the music for Guadagnino’s upcoming film, The Challengers (2023). The Academy Award-winning duo also collaborates with David Fincher for the music the killerscheduled for release in November.
Reznor and Ross’ involvement in the film’s score adds strength to the already chubby cast of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Co-produced and written by Seth Rogen, who is also part of the ensemble cast, the film stars Hannibal Buress (Genghis Frog), Rose Byrne (Leatherhead), John Cena (Rocksteady), Jackie Chan (Splinter), Ice Cube (Superfly), Natasia Demetriou (Wingent), Ayo Edeberry (April O’Neill), Giancarlo Esposito (Baxter Stockman), Post Malone (Ray Villette), Seth Rogen (Bebop), Paul Rudd (Mondo Gekko), Maya Rudolph (Cynthia Outrum); Along with Micah Abby (Donatello), Shamon Brown Jr. (Michelangelo), Nicholas Cantu (Leonardo), and Brady Noone (Raphael).
Althea Legaspi
Translated by the editor