Turkey and Italy are still ahead, Algeria and Tunisia cling to the 2022 Mediterranean Games Oran

Turkey and Italy are still ahead, Algeria and Tunisia cling to the 2022 Mediterranean Games Oran

It is the status quo in the medal standings at the 2022 Oran Mediterranean Games after Saturday 2 July. Turkey is still in the lead after a fresh harvest (14 medals on Saturday), especially in athletics. Ekaterina Guliyev She won the women’s 800m, ahead of the Italian Eloisa Koiro and Moroccan Asia RazekWhile that jasmine box He won the 5000m race ahead of the Moroccan Rahma Taheri And the French Laila Hajji.

Italy dominates in swimming

For their part, the Italians, who took second place in the standings, shone with 22 more medals, among others, in billiards (10). Fabio Scozzoli He won the 50m breaststroke, ahead of the Turk Emre SakeAnd the Filippo Migli He dominated the 100m freestyle and beat the Portuguese Diogo de Matos Ribeiro and his native Alessandro Puri.

in women, Lisa Angelini And the Anita Potazzo Double the Turkish 100m breaststroke Victoria Jones Having to settle for bronze. At 50 meters butterfly, Viola Scotto Di Carlo And the Sonia LaQuintana He took silver and bronze.

Went to 4th gold medal across the Alps for the day in pools Pier Andrea Mattiazzi In the 400-meter medley, while his friend Pietro Paulo Sarp Bronze collected.

Read also: All podiums on Saturday 2 July

Tunisia’s harvest in weightlifting

The Algerians, who were still on the third step, had a meager seventh day in magic, only since then Abdul Nour bin Juma She managed to get bronze in the 400m race in athletics. The men’s handball team was eliminated in the first round, the 3×3 basketball team was eliminated in the quarter-finals and cycling did not shine.

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On the other hand, on the Tunisian side, the day was fairly good with four medals in weightlifting: Amine Bouhajiba of bronze at 61 kg in the snatch, Karim Ben Haniyeh Bronze at 73 kg in snatch and gold in jerk and jerk and Forgiveness with good Gold in jerk 59k for women.

Read also: Boxing revives Algeria in the medal standings

France in the football final and Morocco for the bronze

In the football tournament, France will meet Italy in the final on Monday. The French team beat the Turks 2-0, while the Italians beat Morocco 2-1. The French will try to win their first gold medal in football since 1967.

“The boys showed great courage and fighting spirit, without which we would not have had a serious team in Turkey, which posed serious problems for us. There is a lot of joy in the locker room after this qualification, it is now necessary to recover well because the organizations are being severely tested, then Moving on to preparing for this final.” Coach Lionel Ruxel said after the match.

Morocco will play the bronze medal against Turkey on Monday (July 4th) as well.

Medal table for the Mediterranean Games (2 July)

  1. turkey Medals: 84 (37 gold, 21 silver, 26 bronze)
  2. Italia : 100 medals (31 gold, 36 silver, 33 bronze)
  3. Algeria 38 medals (15 gold, 12 silver, 11 bronze)
  4. France : 58 medals (11 gold, 18 silver, 29 bronze)
  5. Serbia: 24 medals (11 gold, 5 silver, 8 bronze)
  6. Spain : 43 medals (10 gold, 15 silver, 18 bronze)
  7. Egypt : 34 medals (7 gold, 11 silver, 16 bronze)
  8. Greece : 18 medals (7 gold, 4 silver, 7 bronze)
  9. Portugal : 18 medals (6 gold, 7 silver, 5 bronze)
  10. Tunisia : 24 medals (5 gold, 7 silver, 12 bronze)
  11. Slovenia 16 medals (4 gold, 5 silver, 7 bronze)
  12. Croatia 13 medals (3 gold, 4 silver, 6 bronze)
  13. Kosovo 6 medals (3 gold, 3 bronze)
  14. The Kingdom of Morocco 26 medals (2 gold, 9 silver, 15 bronze)
  15. Cyprus 10 medals (2 gold, 1 silver, 7 bronze)
  16. San Marino 5 medals (2 gold, 1 silver, 2 bronze)
  17. Albania : 4 medals (2 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze)
  18. Syria : 3 medals (2 gold, 1 silver)
  19. Bosnia and Herzegovina : 7 medals (1 gold, 6 bronze)
  20. North Macedonia : 2 medals (1 gold, 1 bronze)
  21. Monaco : 1 medal (1 gold)
  22. the black Mountain 5 medals (4 silver, 1 bronze)
  23. Malta : 1 medal (1 silver)
  24. Libya : 1 medal (1 bronze)
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