UBCOM opens a subsidiary in Portugal

UBCOM opens a subsidiary in Portugal

UBCOM announces the opening of its new agency on the banks of Estoril, twenty minutes from Lisbon.

The Swiss Agency for Strategic Consulting in the field of Cyber ​​Security and Protection of Confidentiality is expanding its network in the Portuguese-speaking territories, to offer its expertise on issues of digital sovereignty.

With headquarters in Switzerland, and entities in France, Luxembourg and now in Portugal, UBCOM affirms its desire to defend European sovereignty in data protection (personal, tactical and strategic information) for companies, organizations and citizens.

This expansion decision stems from the country’s growing attractiveness for several years.

Portugal is a conducive ecosystem for the development of innovative solutions in the digital sector. This is due in particular to the legislative initiatives that have been implemented to enhance cyber security in the country, but also to the academic level of excellence recognized around the world, training the talents of tomorrow.

“Portugal climbs to eighth place in the European Cybersecurity Index”

The Global Cybersecurity Index 2020 report measures the commitment of 193 countries to cybersecurity issues, in order to identify areas for improvement as well as encourage them to raise awareness of cybersecurity issues among their populations. In this report, Portugal ranks 14th in the Global Cybersecurity Index 2020 (42nd in 2018) and 8th in the European ranking (25th in 2018).

But Portugal, like all countries, faces constant cyber threats. In February 2022, millions of Portuguese, businesses and corporations were denied access to the telephone network and the Internet for several hours. In fact, the servers of the British company Vodafone in Portugal had to face a cyber attack that paralyzed access to all networks in the country. The most significant consequences of this attack can be emphasized, as some emergency and rescue services such as fire stations or hospitals were not able to carry out first aid missions.

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This shows that there is still a long way to go before we achieve sufficient digital resilience to protect the country’s economic infrastructure, but also political and social. UBCOM will make sure to put its expertise in place for the benefit of the Portuguese nation to meet these major challenges by aligning itself with the strategy of the Antonio Costa government, which has clearly demonstrated the issue of priority for digital technology by attaching the State Secretariat to the Prime Minister in the latest Cabinet reshuffle.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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