Uncharted: We discovered the video with the successful adaptation of a popular video series

Uncharted: We discovered the video with the successful adaptation of a popular video series

released last February, Unknown It was a huge international success. And browse on his notoriety founded upstream in the field other than the seventh art.

Because if “Uncharted” took its first steps in the cinema on this occasion, then the license is already well known among the “games” fans of this adventure game, which is available in several parts.

Not being at all in the target category, because you’re not a player for a penny, and you’re not a fan of backfiring blockubsters, what did we see in it on the occasion of the video catch-up?

We immediately tell you about our hot comeback:

Tintin and Captain Haddock in search of Rackham’s Red Treasure… Ah no!

We are not in a 1947 comic but in 2022…let’s start over!

Young Nate and old adventurer Sully go in search of the treasure of Magellan, the Portuguese navigator who disappeared nearly six hundred years ago off the coast of the Philippines. So he wrote that for the next few days, Nate and Sully won’t sleep much.

An action-packed adventure from New York to Barcelona to Mactan Island. Almost halfway around the earth in search of a virtual mountain of gold, but he’s also being pursued by bad guys who love to travel.


A family movie so good that only Hollywood knows how to make it. Brave and gentle cynical heroes,

Very bad and outlaw villains, played by actors who are very good at the job.

“Uncharted” is still often bullshit, sexy, and very fun but downright exhausting for those over 50.

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The result of the races: a very nice and simple movie!

unknown 22

Well, there is a small downside as we said at the beginning of the article: This movie is taken from a video game and it comes out in the script that doesn’t bother with plausibility. The story is so entertaining I hope we don’t overlook it. Have fun in front of this treasure hunt that seems to have made a lot of people laugh in front and behind the screen!

  • Unknown Arrives via VOD for purchase and rental June 16-22 at SONY.
  • Robin Fleischer movie
  • With Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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