Unknown: Tom Holland feels very sorry for his role as Nathan Drake

Unknown: Tom Holland feels very sorry for his role as Nathan Drake

After the role of Peter Parker in Spider-Man No Way HomeTom Holland plays another cult character, Nathan Drake from the video game Anonymous. The actor is proud of this person’s embodiment, but regrets certain aspects of his performance.

Nathan Drake on the big screen

Fifteen years after its video game release, with Unknown: Drake’s fortuneAdventurer Nathan Drake is finally entitled to a live-action movie. In it, Tom Holland plays the great hero of the successful franchise who will be recruited by Victor “Sully” Sullivan, played by Mark Wahlberg. The young man does not know then that he will go from a simple thief to a treasure hunter.

Both are searching for the fortune of explorer Fernand de Magellan, who disappeared more than 500 years ago. This mission will very quickly become a race against the rest of the world. In particular, they will have to outpace Santiago Moncada, played by Antonio Banderas, who is convinced that he is the heir of the Portuguese navigator, and therefore the only person who has the right to touch this treasure.

The project to adapt the video game to cinema has passed into the hands of several directors, such as David O. Russel (Healing with happinessAnd cheerful), and Travis Knight (Bumblebee), as well as Neil Burger (no limitsAnd forked), Seth Gordon (How does he kill his boss?), and Shawn Levy (free manAnd A night at the museum). It’s finally Robin Fleischer (Welcome to ZombielandAnd poison) who was responsible for taking Nathan Drake from the small screen to the big screen.

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complex movie

The choice of the director was difficult, but another difficulty arose in finding the perfect actor to play the main character, Nathan Drake. At first, Nathan Fillion was considered, as was Mark Wahlberg, but he inherited the role of Sully, the mentor of a young adventurer played by Tom Holland.

The main actor is used to playing cult characters. He mastered action scenes thanks to his role in Spider-Man, but the actor still struggled while filming Uncharted. In press notes citing customizedTom Holland explains that it took a while to get to know the character of Nathan Drake:

Tom Holland also explained that he discovered the game Anonymous Thanks to the depiction of Spider-Man:

A mistake that Tom Holland particularly regrets and that he probably won’t do again

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As Tom Holland captured our colleagues GQ UKHe admitted regret over an aspect of his performance. The actor admits to putting his physical appearance to the fore during filming:

Anonymous It has been shown in cinemas since February 16. You can also find Tom Holland on our YouTube channel for an exclusive interview.


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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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