Victoria Faber extinguished a hundred candles for her!

Victoria Faber extinguished a hundred candles for her!

It’s hard for Victoria Fabre to celebrate this anniversary with all the staff and residents of EHPAD due to the current events, let’s say burn, for today May 20. However, he was celebrated with the presence of his family members, friends and employees under a banner designed by his resident friends to show their friendship with him. Despite the hospital fire that was quickly brought under control by firefighters, Victoria and her family were treated to the wonderful cake the hospital provided, washed down with champagne to celebrate this new centenary.

Born on May 20, 1922 in Aveyron in the municipality of Saint-Hippolyte, she was the eldest of five brothers and sisters in a family of farmers, and from an early age was involved in the farm business.

At the age of nineteen, she met the carpenter Henry Faber, her future husband, in Dixville, in a cafe where one of his brothers worked. The couple arrived to settle in Decazeville and will have 3 children. Despite the hardships of life – in wartime, food rationing. They will buy a plot of land to build their house on. After that, the vicissitudes of life prompted the couple to settle in Toulouse. When her husband died in 1987, Victoria returned to her home in Decazeville where she lived until 2012, when she was admitted to the Tinel nursing home in Decazeville.

His entourage, the nursing home staff and residents, will say a person of great human qualities, discreet and always caring for others despite his disability. Victoria’s great regret stems from the fact that she has, little by little, lost enough sight to be able to indulge in the joy of reading. But his great memory still allows him to recite many ancient poems and texts of songs. Happy Birthday Victoria wishes her loved ones by expressing her wishes to live more beautiful years with clarity and kindness still in her life.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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