Vietnam: Leprosy Service – Zenith

Vietnam: Leprosy Service – Zenith

World Leprosy Day was celebrated on Sunday, January 28, 2024. After praying the Angelus, Pope Francis spoke about this scourge that still rages today: “ I encourage all involved in assisting and socially reintegrating people affected by this disease, which, despite its decline, remains one of the most feared diseases affecting the poorest and most marginalized groups.. »

A few days before this awareness day,Order of Malta subscriber Its initiative in Vietnam for the benefit of leprosy patients. Since last spring, this international Catholic charity has made a bus with about 20 seats available to Quéhoa Hospital (in central Vietnam), allowing leprosy patients to reach the hospital more easily and receive the necessary care for their medical follow-up. .

Since its operation, this bus has enabled more than fifty leprosy patients to benefit from surgical intervention. The bus travels to hard-to-reach areas, transporting patients wherever they are and where the epidemic is raging.

Leprosy isolated. The leper feels ashamed and often withdraws into himself. This initiative therefore represents a tangible improvement for those people who may also be victims of discrimination, and who have difficulty accessing transportation.

Leprosy is a very ancient disease, and is often viewed as a “disease.” Past illness It appeared in the first centuries of the Christian era. Today, despite the existence of effective treatment, leprosy remains a major public health problem in many countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. According to the Order of Malta, it affects one person every three minutes worldwide. All over the world, this disease of extreme poverty continues to devour three million people.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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