Wagner’s Armed Rebellion: Here Are The Consequences On The Ground In Russia

Wagner’s Armed Rebellion: Here Are The Consequences On The Ground In Russia

On Sunday, local authorities announced that about 15 houses and more than 10,000 square meters of roads were damaged during the armed rebellion of the Wagner Group in Russia, in the first partial assessment of these events that shook the Russian power.

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Entre vendredi soir et samedi soir, le chef du Wagner group, Evguéni Prigojine, dont les hommes combattent in Ukraine, a mené une spectaculaire rébellion armée sur le sol russe qui avait pour but de renverser le commandement militaire avec qui il est en conflit ouvert depuis several months.

The businessman, with his fighters, took control of the city of Rostov (south), and his convoy crossed several regions, to the point of approaching hundreds of kilometers from Moscow, to the astonishment of Russia and the stranger.

In the Voronezh region, which borders Ukraine and the stage of this failed march towards the Russian capital, the head of the Pavlovsky region said Sunday on Telegram that “19 houses were damaged in the village.”

This dégâts ont eu lieu «to the suite d’un accrochage qui a eu lieu pres d’Elizavetovka, dans le district of Pavlovsky, le 24 juin, lorsqu’une colonne du groupe Wagner a traversé our region», at-il specified.

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The local official thus confirmed that Wagner’s convoy of men had engaged the regular army in the area, without giving further details of the hostilities.

Neither the Russian military nor Wagner has officially communicated at this point about possible casualties associated with these clashes.

France Press agency

In Rostov, where the Wagner Group occupied a military headquarters in the city center on Saturday, “more than 10,000 square meters of sidewalks” were damaged, according to the mayor, Alexei Logvinenko.

In the photos he posted on his Telegram channel, you can see tank tracks that damaged the road.

“Teams will start repairing the damage today. All work is due to be completed within two days,” said the manager.

Following an agreement reached Saturday night between Mr. Prigozhin and the Kremlin, mediated by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, the Wagner fighters have withdrawn from Rostov. On Sunday, they continued their withdrawal from the regions they had invested in.

France Press agency

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About the Author: Hermínio Guimarães

"Introvertido premiado. Viciado em mídia social sutilmente charmoso. Praticante de zumbis. Aficionado por música irritantemente humilde."

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