“We all suffer from a lack of protein, it’s getting serious,” the cautionary message sent by Dr. Christian Recchia

“We all suffer from a lack of protein, it’s getting serious,” the cautionary message sent by Dr. Christian Recchia

They are considered the basic building blocks of a living organism. Proteins play a structural role (at the level of muscles or skin), but they are also involved in many processes such as the immune response (antibodies), the transport of oxygen in the body (hemoglobin) or even digestion (digestive enzymes). Nutritionists also advise us to balance our daily intake by alternating between those of animal origin and those of plant origin.

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But here’s the thing: By analyzing the contents of our plates, Dr. Christian Recchia came to a sad conclusion. According to him, we will all be deficient in proteins, “A major concern.” And as I make it clear, you have to do it “cautious” On a daily basis, and in particular, starting from the age of fifty. Because at this age, a person begins to melt at the muscle level. “They feel like they’re eating protein but they’re missing 60% of it.” Explain while remembering your favourites.

“They almost disappeared from our meals.”

The most effective proteins are those found in fish.. It is followed by poultry, pork and beef. But there are some proteins that the French tend to forget, which are plant-based proteins such as white beans, red beans, broad beans, peas, or lentils. “They’ve almost disappeared from our so-called balanced meals.”. However, they do contain nutrients that complement those provided by animal protein sources: “Fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, minerals and complex carbohydrates for grains, legumes and even for oilseeds, so-called monounsaturated fatty acids known to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular function.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Christian Recchia pointed out the importance of eating protein of all kinds after exercise. “After physical activity, if you eat two servings of yogurt, you will restore the proteins you used during that moment and be able to repair your muscles and build yourself up.”

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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