“We redraw everything!” , a sci-fi thriller filmed in Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille

“We redraw everything!”  , a sci-fi thriller filmed in Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille

Every two years, the village of Saint-Pardoux-la-Croisille rolls up its sleeves for an artistic and humanitarian project with the craziest ramifications. There were “The Mysteries and Curiosities of San Bardo,” and then, in 2021, “The Ruins of San Bardo,” in which we still come across, at the turn of a meadow or street, some original find.

For the third part of these exceptional summer activities, “Expectation in San Bardot,” it is about exploring a new creative medium and another universe. In this case directing a short science fiction film. “It’s very interesting and funny,” assures director and visual artist Zoe Chantrey.

In this game, all ideas are welcomed, and all contributions are accepted with enthusiasm. Several times since the beginning of the year, the residents, led by Zoe Chantrey, Céline Diez, visual designer, and Jean-Pierre Laroche, design designer, have met to build the scenario. “Ideas popped up,” the two young women appreciated. “There were a lot of twists and turns.”Volunteers and artists color all the decorative items, from the lights to the dishes on the buffet.

A world of color and music

The plot took shape. We are repainting everything! – this is the title of the film – it takes us to a world that has lost its colors. “A laboratory is being set up in Saint-Pardoux, where researchers invent magic colors to repaint,” Céline Diez launched. “They are so far away from what we know, because we are so far into the future.” “If we draw a little metaphor for what’s going on in the world, it’s very sad. The idea is to bring a little bit of joy into the world,” sums up Zoe Chantrey.

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We also come across Schoolchildren Re-Learn Colors, a “special vessel” that sets out to restore colors in the world, a dormitory where all these little people meet. As in any good adventure, there is a final banquet with a traditional ball and colorful buffet. “We’ve simplified all the combinations, and it’s not natural at all,” says Celine Diez.

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On the collective meadow, already in class, there is a blackboard, pots and brushes are waiting for the shelves of the color laboratory, hanging tables are waiting for guests at the banquet. Every element of decor, lamps, paintings and furniture has been recovered from barns and attics in the city. Artists and volunteers are busy, with lots of color and imagination, customizing them in a rainbow setting.

Collective and participatory project

“Twenty people make up the core team, and we find them in every issue, it’s great,” Zoé Chantre appreciates. “It allows you to participate in the life of the city with original projects. Two years ago, it was great,” says Corinne, a volunteer from Amicale Laïque. “It’s very good,” says Felix, a new resident. “It allows you to do things together without just crossing paths. Honestly, we made a good choice to come and settle here!”For Félix and Corinne, the opportunity is great to be involved in an original project together.

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The Emmaüs community of the Égletons also gave dozens of sheets, tablecloths, and costumes. “This project brings people together and creates unlikely and wonderful encounters,” Celine Diez enjoys. Schoolchildren from Saint-Pardoux and Marcillac made ship models and drawings. “It really warms me up, it’s another way of making movies, less traditional,” says Zoé Chantre.

Live shooting and editing

The filming will take place on a suggestive camera from 2nd to 8th July, outdoors and with as many volunteers as possible. “We’re looking for extras to eat and dance during the final banquet and the traditional ball,” Zoé Chantre says. “If people can wear the colors, that’s the best. If not, we have a huge inventory of costumes.”

No main roles to fill, few dialogues so as not to alienate anyone, scenes that will still be built according to ideas. Zoé Chantre warns the only special effect will be the ship’s flight. Everything else will be done without special effects, directly.

What is hidden behind the “Strange Ruins of San Bardo” (Koreez)?

The editing will also take place (almost) live, on July 14, during an evening of celebration and creativity, with a participatory stroll and a commercial ball to finish. Premiered on mute, the film will be raucous and will feature live music under the direction of the chief choir and musician Mark Sologub. “We are also looking for people for the soundtrack. No need to know how to sing, Mark drives everyone with energy. Even the spectators will be involved in the sound system in their own way.”

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The final version of the film will be on display all summer in San Bardo, as will the “private ship”. The other groups will be disbanded…until the next adventure!

A project led by the People, Culture and Secular Association of San Bardo.

Brushes of all sizes to repaint the world in color.

San Bardo Forecast calendar cinematography.

It will take place from Sunday, July 2 to Saturday, July 8, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Go to the village square. Contact: Celine Voice rehearsals, music and song.

The film’s soundtrack will be produced live on the day of the screening, July 14. Rehearsals for all vocal parts and mouth sound effects, Saturday 8th July from 10am-5pm; Song review on Sunday, July 9, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Rehearsals with musicians, Wednesday July 12th from 7pm-9pm; Public rehearsal with everyone and the photo, Thursday, July 13 from 7-9 p.m. Contact: Mark prediction.

July 14, Church Square: 6:30 p.m. Group visit, followed by a participatory picnic; 9:30 p.m., silent film and live sound system screening, followed by a traditional dance; 10:30 p.m. Final movie screening.

Blandine Houten-Mercier

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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