Tips for a balanced diet
Credit: Travis Yewell/Unsplash
A new US study has just shown that A The Mediterranean-style diet appears to be particularly beneficial for brain health. It is a diet focused on fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, legumes, whole grains and nuts.
The researchers followed the diet of elderly people who had agreed to donate their brains when they died. They find that people who have Mediterranean diet It has fewer brain amyloid plaques, which are plaques that form around nerve cells, when Alzheimer’s disease.
They submitted Fewer signs of brain aging Among those who ate more red meat, processed foods, high-fat dairy products, fried foods, pastries, and sugary foods.
Benefits of the Mediterranean diet
What is good for the heart is good for the brain. Fast food is associated with faster brain aging. In this, the brain is an organ like any other. Conversely, a system that prioritizes raw products appears protective. Eating fish three times a week, eating plenty of vegetables, not skipping legumes, and adding a few nuts and small red fruits to your diet seems protective.
Researchers note that a particular Mediterranean diet that emphasizes green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, salads, and cabbage, seemed particularly useful.
In an American study, people who ate leafy green vegetables most often — at least seven times a week — had fewer plaques in their brains than those who ate one serving or at least a week. Just eating a salad every day can help keep the brain younger.
life way
We don’t know why leafy greens seem protective. The US study does not explain this and only highlights the relationship between consuming these foods and reducing the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. The premise is that it is full of vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in antioxidant pigments, such as lutein, which protect the brain from oxidative stress, thus helping slow brain aging.
On the other hand, Olive oil is the preferred fat. Oleic acid accounts for 70 to 80% of its composition. This monounsaturated fatty acid appears to contribute to better brain function. Olive oil is also rich in polyphenols, which are antioxidant compounds that slow down cell aging. Two tablespoons a day is enough to enjoy its benefits.
But you get it, it’s not one food that’s protective, it’s the diet as a whole, and even the lifestyle. Other studies have shown that the risk of dementia is also reduced when you exercise..