What is the secret of the ugly waves of Nazareth, the surfing spot in the world?

What is the secret of the ugly waves of Nazareth, the surfing spot in the world?

In this region of Portugal, this unusual phenomenon has always existed but was revealed to the general public ten years ago. At that time, Pedro Pesco, who is in charge of sports in the municipality of Nazaré, was looking for a way to attract tourists in the winter.. “People didn’t know this place was exceptional, so we developed a strategy around big waves,” Portuguese says. Success is fast on time. “It took sites like Hawaii ten years to create an image, and it took us less time thanks to social networks.” Pedro Pisco rejoices. In doing so he achieved the power of making this fishing village of 15,000 inhabitants a reference spot for high-profile surfers.

Moreover, some surfers, such as pro surfer Justin Dupont, could not resist the temptation to come and settle here. Four years ago, the 29-year-old decided to leave the Gironde to come and settle here. “We come to surf on the beautiful waves and live a few seconds. It’s cool and at the same time, it’s tough. I think it’s a good balance”, The young woman smiled as she looked at the horizon. Only last November, the athlete managed to tame a brutal wave of more than 21 metres.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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