What place for artificial intelligence in our lives? Two articles on this topic to discover

What place for artificial intelligence in our lives?  Two articles on this topic to discover

The central place that artificial intelligence occupies in our lives prompts philosophers such as Anne Alombert and Daniel Endler to clarify everything that separates the machine from the human. Exciting questions.

Since ChatGPT, the chatbot, became an integral part of our conversations, artificial intelligence has taken over our obsession, transcending the simple contrast between geeky minions and computer stubborn people: everyone wonders how we’ll live with these algorithms designed to replace part of our own. Daily tasks, including at work.

Should we tolerate the imposition of artificial intelligence in our lives? Or should the effects be put into perspective? How do we get out of this digital schizophrenia ? asks Anne Alombert, a philosopher interested in the relationship between knowledge and technologies, in a reflection that makes the digital a deeply political question.Will there ever be a rational robot to whom ideas will come? “Philosopher of Science George Kangel asked them already in the 1980s, when we started talking about a “conscious machine”.

What is the purpose of artificial intelligence?

in testing it Artificial Intelligence, Human Intelligence: The Double PuzzleMathematician and philosopher Daniel Andler explores the mysteries of this demonic intelligence that includes “All digital devices aimed at facilitating, amplifying and automating human action in all fields(Decision support systems, autonomous cars, massive language models, output chatbots, etc.).

Their ability to solve problems results from general principles of brain organization that can be reproduced in artificial systems. But basically, what do we expect from AI? “Where do we want it to go?“This is the big question that arises in this survey which claims that AI will never be able to compete with human intelligence. Because if the purpose of AI is to solve problems,”It is only a secondary task of human intelligence“.

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human shadow

As Yan Luqun, a researcher in artificial intelligence, recalls, quoting Anne Alombre, “Neural networks simulate the brain no more than an airplane wing simulates a bird’s wingAndler thinks you can’t compare a cowboy and his shadow.Shadow is based on and only vaguely resembles a cowboy. If his height, when measured on the ground, is related to the height of a cowboy, then it makes no sense to compare one with the other. The relationship is there, and it is close, but the two things are different in order and cannot be directly compared.. ”

Artificial intelligence is content to produce mechanical systems without understanding the situations it explores. Because only human agents give him problems. In this you remain a shadow. althoug, As Anne Alombert suggests, if there was any potential danger, it wouldn’t be in “The advancement of artificial intelligence“, But in “Manufacture brains and automate the otherAt the heart of our torments is not the rejection of the artificial per se, but the distinction between things in the couplings of man and machine;Only in this case will the cows be well preservedthought Andler, whose wit is less artificial than original.

Daniel Andler, Artificial Intelligence, Human Intelligence: The Double Puzzle (Gallimard) 426 pages, 25 euros.

anne alumbert, digital schizophrenia (Alia) 96 p.m., 7.50 euros.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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