Why not miss the reissue of “Francisca” by Manuel de Oliveira

Why not miss the reissue of “Francisca” by Manuel de Oliveira

Tragedy resumes in costumes where dudes are lost in love. A cool lyrical summit presented in Cannes in 1981.

in front francisco, a flash forward Sami, an aristocrat reads a letter of condolence. Once. twice. Same thing, shot differently, as if to warn that we are entering tragedy and trial. Tragedy, because the woman in question is the heroine of a devastating love triangle, examined with malice and cruelty by one of the greatest filmmakers of the end of the twentieth century.H Portuguese century Manuel de Oliveira who died in 2015 at the age of 106. Experiment, because in this adaptation of the novel Fanny Owen From compatriot Agustina Besa Luis, who concludes the quartet of frustrated love, Oliveira reaches a climax of cold lyricism and stunning beauty.

Capable of being familiar with theatre, painting, literature and music, both of which are utterly full of sarcasm and front, this movie released in 1981 blasted the seats. This will likely be the case when this new version is released. Too much stability, tight outfits, and not enough naturalness. However. austerity Francisca It makes her greatness, but also her madness.

Without men and their character, everything would be much better.

While elegant figures from the nineteenth centuryH Byron Horn lovers exchange their views on love and fundamental questions such as the definition of soul, they never get to touch or look at each other. They share the shot space without really crossing paths, and take the camera to the stele. Words seem to slip away and cause chaos. Strange vibrations reverberate through every corner of the picture, like aesthetic acid rushes in sheer modernity.

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“We live torn apart, looking for our bodies scattered on the ground,” Announces personality in a striking moment. Then there’s Fanny, better known as Francesca, a romantic who hears the horrors spoken of by those who claim to love her. You will try to arrange the world and feelings in vain. Without men and their character, everything would be much better. A friend has captured him.

Francisca Written by Manuel de Oliveira, with Teresa Menezes, Diogo Doria, Mario Barroso (Port, 1981, 2h47, revived). In theaters July 12.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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