deviation – In 2004 the insect reached mainland France, and now it is found in almost 70 departments. However, it is a formidable carrier of diseases such as dengue and chikungunya.
The dengue feverAnd maybe soon ZikaAnd the Chikungunya… Until yesterday, these viral diseases with strange names were believed to be the unfortunate monopoly of distant tropics. From now on, the danger they pose to urban France, and Europe in general, is very real. The summer we just had is also a warning sign. “ We have counted 57 authentic cases of dengue (acquired in France not abroad, editor’s note) since July in mainland France, and that number is still expected to change. “, reports Dr. Marie Claire Baty, coordinator of vector-borne disease surveillance at Public Health France. In 2020, there were “ that » 14 eligibility cases. “ This is clearly ironic compared to epidemics of dengue fever of several thousand cases that have been raging for years in the Antilles, Reunion and Guyana. But it shows us that the future will be with these diseases in France and Europe. ‘ continues the doctor.
The future will be made with these diseases in France and Europe.
Dr Marie Claire Baty, coordinator of vector-borne disease surveillance at Public Health France.
Rapid spread of oil spots
The culprit has been well identified. It is ‘Aedes albinoknown under the name tiger mosquito Because of her aggressiveness and above all her black stripes…