“Funny Argosin”, “Funny parishioner” .. Do you know these ancient expressions?
If our grandmothers call us “al-hajjuz”, does that mean they are comparing us to these agents of the prison world? The etymology of the word “argousin” is actually derived from the Portuguese word “algoz”, with influence from the Spanish word “alguacil”, which designates a prison officer. But the expression “funny argozin”, an expression with comical sounds, reminiscent of Gargantua or Behanzin, the last king of Dahomey whose name made laughter, also refers to a “funny zebra”, i.e. “zouave”, a “zozo” … In short, the one who It is “zinzin” as Jan Maillet points out in his book 365 favorite phrases of our grandmother.
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Did you know? “The parishioner” is often described as “funny” when not referring to the parish believer, but rather a hateful albeit sympathetic person. The word was documented as early as 1585 in Tales and Speeches of Yotrabel, Christmas of failure. His movie icon? Purvill, in the movie parishioners funny. The actor plays an unemployed bourgeois, Georges Lachonnay, who earns his and his family’s income by stealing Parisian church trunks… Would you make a 10/10 in this audition?
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