Winners of Reunion Plunge

Winners of Reunion Plunge

For the tenth year in a row, the accounting firm Crowe Réunion has welcomed the winners of the CEP accredited high school “Priority Education Agreement” in Réunion to attend the award ceremony for the entrance examination at Sciences Po Paris.

Crowe Réunion and Corsair joined forces to support the young winners by allocating a financial endowment. For Ms. Amina Lala, Managing Director of Crowe Réunion, it is our pleasure to support these young talents in their installation in the various campuses of Sciences Po. The president of Corsair remains amazed at this ambitious young man despite the hurdles related to the distance of the place of study and the financial difficulties they are likely to face. For these companies, it is important to reward these ambitious students by facilitating their transfer to France.

Guillaume Govenden, Alumni President of the Beaux Paris Sciences Institute, congratulates the nine students of Trois Bassin High School, Sarda Garriga and Jean Hengloo.

“Success comes from curiosity, perseverance, self-criticism, and a touch of rudeness.”

The awards given today are essential to those young people whose potential is threatened by physical and geographic limitations. According to him, it is important to democratize access to higher education and to think about the return of these young people once they are trained so that Reunion can also benefit from these future talents. The struggle against social determinism in the context of higher education is linked to our regional development.

For the nine winners, this ceremony is a real appeasement but also the beginning of a long journey that will require a lot of courage and willpower from them in order to adapt to their new life, on the other side of the ocean.

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> Three Basin High School

Noémie PAUSÉ is 17 years old and selected for the entrance examination at Sciences Po. She is interested in Central and Eastern European issues, and relies on the interdisciplinary teaching of Sciences Po to advance her career aspirations.

Indrana Marudi will be able to study the relations between North Africa and Europe

“Science Po beat me right away.” Then you want to move into luxury product marketing.

Matthew Crisnes, who just graduated from high school, tells us:

“Even if we are a little afraid to leave, that is a good thing, and we will discover very beautiful things.” It is concerned with protecting the environment from human activities. He is grateful to his teachers and partners for the support and advice that allowed him to reach this prestigious school.

Lenny DIJOUX, who specializes in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, feels like an ambassador for Reunion when he departs for Science Po.

> Sarda Garija High School

Léa GOUNOU MOTCHOFO is studying for a master’s degree in economics in order to be able to get a position in international trade, while Kaéla KÉTANI has not planned to get into the Science Po position.

“It was not my project, it came gradually.” She especially thanks her parents, who have always pushed her to overcome the difficulties associated with the self-censorship of higher education on Reunion Island. In the meantime, Rajendra RANGAMA will integrate the Le Havre campuses centered in Europe and Asia. He explains this choice through his family’s Indian cultural origins.

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> Jan Hengloo High School

For Mohsen Al-Shanafi, there are no big speeches, the results speak for themselves. The impatience and the joy of starting his journey are felt during this party, and, as Comrade Annabel Beau-Aud asserts, “this party reminds us that we have succeeded.”

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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