“Without a rule, it can be messy,” asserts Nuno Mendes, who is seduced by Galtaire’s method.

“Without a rule, it can be messy,” asserts Nuno Mendes, who is seduced by Galtaire’s method.

The young Portugal international (20) from Paris Saint-Germain appears to have already captured the rhetoric and tactics of his new coach.

So far, so good. asked by RMC In Japan, where PSG is currently on a tour to prepare for the 2022-23 season, but also (and above all?) to take care of its image in Asia, Nuno Mendes talks about the Galtier method. “It’s a good start, I think the coach has arrived and established himself. We are on the right track, and we have plenty of time to work“, confirms the young Portuguese national team (20 years), who was loaned by Sporting last season and moved permanently for 38 million euros this summer. And to continue:Each coach has his own way of managing. He knows what’s best for the team and we just have to implement. It is important to have rules because without rules it can be messy.“And the rules, Christophe Galtier and Luis Campos intend to respect them this season…

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We accept well. This start, we adapt to what the coach asks. There is a very good dynamic, with good training, intensity, with the greatest concentration of all players. It will be important all season. We will participate in all competitions, so we will need them to represent PSG well.“, confirms the Portuguese international, convinced that Paris is preparing to live”great seasonEven if the players are not.You haven’t gotten used to it yetto the new tactical scheme, at 3-4-3. “As we saw in the match (against Kawasaki, editor’s note), we weren’t yet in a good position in this system but we had time to work“, is a promise. New working session on Saturday (12 noon), in a friendly match, against Urawa Red Diamonds.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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