World HPV Day: Screening and vaccination… How to be well informed about HPV?

World HPV Day: Screening and vaccination… How to be well informed about HPV?

March 4 this year will be marked as World HPV Awareness Day. There are preventative methods to protect young teens from HPV-related infections, which can develop into certain types of cancer in adulthood. However, there are still very few people who benefit from it. This is an opportunity to educate parents about the importance of taking action. Explanations from Professor Philippe Decamps, Gynecologist and Head of Department at Angers University Hospital.

Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a particularly common virus that is highly contagious and worries us all. “ Most of us, both men and women, are exposed to HPV during our lives.“, explains Professor Philippe Decamps.We all carry the virus and we can all transmit it. However, it should be noted that in most cases, the body is able to get rid of them.“But unfortunately it also happens that the infection persists.

Every year, 6,400 cases of preventable cancer are caused by HPV

How do we explain that? “Without the natural elimination of the virus, pre-cancerous lesions develop It can develop gradually over 10 to 15 years. These lesions can affect both men and women“.

The result: the risk of these pre-cancerous lesions developing into cancers of the anus as well as the mouth and throat. “Let's add also The vulva, cervix, and vagina in women and the penis in men“, specifies Professor Decamps. Thus, in total, HPV is responsible every year in France for 6,400 new cases of anogenital and ear, nose and throat cancers, which are nevertheless preventable. Moreover, HPV also causes 100,000 cases of anogenital warts, and more than 30,000 cases of pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix, vagina, vulva, and anus are discovered annually.

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Protect yourself today to avoid tomorrow's cancers

The prevention policy in France is based on vaccination from the ages of 11 to 19 years for girls and boys, and examination by A smear to detect cervical cancer. Other types of cancer cannot be detected, hence the importance of vaccination.“The problem according to Professor Decamps.”France lags behind in this field. Currently, the vaccination rate for girls is about 43%, while the vaccination rate for boys is only 13.5%. These numbers are alarming and require immediate action from everyone, especially parents.“World HPV Awareness Day on March 4 is an opportunity to talk about this topic.

Doctors and pharmacists are at your service

Do you have questions, need information, or even doubts? Talk to your healthcare professional, including your doctor or pharmacist, now about ways to protect yourself from HPV infection. Finally, to learn more about HPV, visit the National Cancer Institute's website at

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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