Between myth and reality, who has never dreamed of finding pirate treasure?
In 1714 the War of the Spanish Succession came to an end and a period of peace seemed to begin for several years. Many frustrated hackers suddenly find themselves without an employer. Olivier Levasseur is one of them. The man born in Calais at the end of the seventeenth century and from an alleged bourgeois family. Levasseur never concealed his ambition to belong to the great body, but, lacking a title of nobility, he could only dream of it.
Little is known about the privateering campaigns led by Levasseur, on the other hand, it is clear that the man finally gave up returning to port at the time of the signing of the peace to embark on a privateering adventure. Levasseur was to have been a pirate like many others, roaming the seas and living off robbery, plunder, and other raids. But in April 1721, a strange combination of daring and luck will allow the pirate, who had the nickname La Buse, to go down in history. Olivier Levasseur seizes with alarming ease the Nossa Senhora do Cabo, a Portuguese ship with a necklace of treasures collected by the Portuguese Viceroy of the East Indies! Unfortunately, unfortunately, the adventure ends badly for the pirates. The early retirement he chose will not protect him from grudges. In the summer of 1730, on account of his refusal of the King’s pardon, which required him to recover the seized riches, Levasseur was arrested and taken to the scaffold. In one final bravado, our man will cry out to the crowd who have come to see his announced agony: “My treasure is for the one who knows how to take it!”. The legend is born!
Official Painter of the Belgian Navy, Full Member of the Academy of Marine Arts and Sciences, Jean-Yves Dellet He is an architectural designer by training. We know him in comics with “Donnington, Les Coulisses du Pouvoir”, “Tanâtos”, “Les Brigades du Tigre” or even the quartet “Le Neptune” and “Les Nouveaux Tsars”. But in sea spray and his love of the open sea, he showed all his talent by creating real sea murals in comedies. Thus, he imagines the adventures of an American Indian pirate at the end of the eighteenth century with the “Black Crow” series. It tells the story of the prestigious three-person barker, Belém, and the majestic frigate Hermione or even the romantic adventure in the Bounty. He then paints a haunting vision of our future with his “U-Boot” quartet before launching the Les Collection “Great Naval Battles” who is the mastermind behind it.
In 2020, he gives birth to a new batch of beautiful books made with four hands Jean Benoit Heron. The first volume, “Aboard the Frigates,” was awarded the Marine Corps Bravo Zulu Award. 2020 is also a double release dedicated to “Black Beard”. In 2022, he returns to Glénat with two titles in the “Great Naval Battles” collection: “Falkland” and “Les Cardinaux”.
This time, it’s an enormous treasure “crater” It attacks, and saves us some great sea battles and other great boards.
Falcon (T1) treasure hunt
Jean-Yves Dellet
Glénat – 48 color pages – € 14.50
Released November 23, 2022
Read about Yozone: Hermione – Special Edition “Crossover”
U-Boat (T4) Uncle Harry
The Black Crow Devil’s Plot (T4)
Black Crow (T3) Dutch tree
Black Crow (T2) The Cursed Treasure
Black Crow: Hacking and Other Adventures
Belém (T3)
Illustrations © Editions by Jean-Yves Delitte and Glénat (2022)