Zombie deer disease is spreading. Is there a risk of transmission to humans?

Zombie deer disease is spreading. Is there a risk of transmission to humans?
my dear
Affected deer show degeneration of the central nervous system, leading to lethargy, stumbling, disorientation, weight loss, and excessive saliva production.
Tristan Bergen Tristan Bergen 6 minutes

cases Deer chronic wasting disease (CWD)or Zombie deer disease, has been increasing around the world in recent years. If this only concerns animals for now, some researchers are concernedPossibility of transmission to humans Like another prion disease: mad cow disease.

Zombie disease der

CWD is not caused by a bacteria, virus, or fungus, but rather by… An abnormally formed protein called a prion. This atypical functioning also resembles bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as “ Mad cow disease “.

This disease affects The central nervous system Deer (deer, reindeer, elk, moose or even caribou) by causing degeneration. When this happens, animals present aNoticeable weight loss, tremors, stumbling, excessive saliva production and other zombie-like neurological symptomsHence his nickname.

The mortality rate is maximum because all the animals involved end up dying over a fairly long period of time.

Beside that Infection rate Also very high, in addition to prion Particularly durable. And this is actually capable of it It stays on surfaces for years and resists disinfectants, burning at 600°C… and even radiation!

However, CWD is not a new disease since then It has been present on the European continent since 2016 It has spread especially among reindeer and elk in northern Europe since then. however, More and more cases have been recorded in recent months in North America As happened recently in Yellowstone Park, marking a potential turning point in the epidemic.

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Danger to humans?

It has now been proven that the disease has been gradually spreading in North America but also in northern Europe (Norway, Sweden and Finland in particular) for several years as well as in South Korea. This spread is slow but increasingly important The scientific community is concernedespecially because Mortality rates and disease spread.

In fact, some researchers are concerned about the possibility of contracting this disease It doesn't end up infecting humans like mad cow disease does in the UK. In fact, this epidemic infected more than 190,000 animals between the 1980s and the beginning of the twenty-first century and evolved to become transmissible to humans, causing death 231 people Between 1996 and 2016 after consuming meat products.

Although no cases of infection in humans have been detected so far. It is likely that human cases of chronic wasting disease associated with the consumption of contaminated meat will be observed in the coming years. For many scientists, the disease is actually only transmitted to humansA matter of time As happened with mad cow disease.

Researchers warn that this disease Always fatal, incurable and highly contagious, today we have no simple and effective way to eliminate it. Both in terms of the animals it infects but also the environment it pollutes.

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Enhance alertness

If this disease does not spread to humans by now, it should be approved Special vigilance This is to reduce the risk of this phenomenon occurring. No researcher today is able to confirm that this will actually be the case in the fairly near future, however It is important that people are prepared for this.

Many deer are slaughtered and consumed by humans during hunting periods, especially in the United States. Therefore, the authorities call for caution It is recommended not to eat meat from an animal that appears sick. In addition, he is also asked Handle meat with gloves and test before any contact.

The mad cow epidemic in Britain a few years ago had already provided an example of how, overnight, Things can get really out of control when this disease spreads from livestock to humansEspecially since there is no treatment currently available for infection.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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